Barrack 13
19 December 2013
PiCnIc WiTh FrIeNdS
21 September 2013
TeRe NaAm "A true story"
Police training was over. We were around 400 cadets staying in the training campus.The rigorous training had transformed the normal boys into hardcore fighters. We developed nerves of steel. Became fearless .we were ready to be deployed .But the release date was being deliberately delayed. 400 plus cadets in house trainees meant a good market for the authority. We bought everything from the training school cooperative store. So the profit of the cooperative store was high. 9 months of physical training got extended into 13 months. Anger and hatred for the training authority was cropping up in the hearts of the trainees. During the holidays I usually go to home and return back the same day. Some would go to watch movies. During one such Sunday we went to see Salman Khan starrer TERE NAAM film. It was a hit film. It was being released in almost all the cinema halls in Guwahati. The cinema hall campus was packed with people. The ticket counters had become invisible due to ticket seekers. One was jumping over the other to push his hand through the big hole of the counter window. We pushed Lakhi forward to get the tickets. We were also trying other options as Lakhi would have managed only 3 or 4 tickets. The black rates were very high. As we were negotiating we heard loud shouts. We turned and saw that Lakhi had picked up a fight with the locals. There were other groups from our training school as well. They too got involved in the fight. One of the locals hit very hard one of our trainee in the head with a rod. Seeing this our boys pounced on the locals and beat them black and blue. Soon the police arrived and the crowd dispersed. We too left the hall as we couldn't manage to get the tickets. Some of our fellows managed to get the tickets and watched the movie. Later the locals regrouped during the movie. They identified one or two trainees and attacked them inside the hall. The locals were in huge numbers. Some how police intervened and our trainees managed to leave the hall. Some of our trainees were severely injured . I reached training center during night counting time. During night counting time i found the training campus very tense. The boys had a plan. There were news that the locals that participated in hitting our trainees are seen in the saat mile market. Saat mile market is about 600 meters from our training campus. Their plan was dangerous. They were planning to ransack the market place and to destroy the shops. I thought nobody from this training school has till date gathered courage to attack any public place. I therefore ignored their discussion and proceeded to my barrack. Ridip dutta my room mate had thrown a wine party in the barrack as his birthday was on the following day. His girlfriend didn't gave him permission to swallow wine on his birthday, so he threw his birthday party one day earlier. Fried pork , chilly chicken and some full bottles of Mc Dowell's whiskey were the items. Jitendra emptied the full bottles in his empty water filter. He was our barrack's peg maker. The party started and every one was enjoying it. Suddenly Debu appeared and said that the boys are marching to sat mile market. And that he was also going to join them. He was already drunk. He invited everyone to join him. He was intimidating us . Rakesh jumped from his bed and followed Debu. Both were under the spell of liquor. Actually all were drunk. One by one everybody followed Debu. Ridip and I were the last one to follow the mob. We had to move out due to barrack sentiment. Ridip was very scared as he had supplied liquor to the barrack inmates.There were total 15 barracks. Each barrack accommodate around 50 trainees. About half of the inmates had gone to vandalise sat mile market that night. When we reached halfway we heard the noises of destruction. The trainees had done their job. The training authorities' were trying their level best to bring the boys back to the barracks. But the boys were unstopable. At last police along with CRPF personnel arrived at the scene. They had to fire shots in the air to disperse the mob. The boys finally returned. Counting was again done to see if anyone was missing. All were in. The boys were very much satisfied as they did what they planned. But the consequences were going to be very bad. The next day our training school was flooded with reporters , representatives of human rights organisation, shop owners . They all had a meeting with the training authorities and a deal was struck between the two. The training authority agreed to pay for the damages . The damage inflicted was not much. The situation became normal after the authority paid compensation to the shop keepers. A preliminary enquiry was conducted by the authority and Departmental proceedings were drawn up against those found guilty. Increments of all the 400 trainees were blocked for the next six years. The training authority was to some extent responsible for this debacle. They extended the training for a long period. After one month of this incident all the trainees were posted all over Assam.
13 September 2013
Thank you Ambipur

I was surprised when the courier boy handed me a packet. My name and address was printed on it. I showed it to my better half incase she might have ordered something online. But she had no idea. I decided to open the packet. I was overwhelmed to see that it was a room freshener from Ambipur. I remembered applying for a free sample at indiblogger .com. Now a days free samples are rare. Except for medicine samples I have not received anything free till date.The sample that i received is a room freshener, blossom and breeze, same that is being sold at the market. It is an effective spray which removes bad odour immediately and leaves room fresh for a long time. I am thanking indiblogger and ambipur for this sample and would urge everyone to use this product.
5 September 2013
TrUe CoLoRs

17 August 2013
Titanic Crash
The Titanic crash changed the course of Rahul's life forever. That day Rahul was very restless. He was behaving like a naughty kid. He spilled tea all over my pants when he tried to show magic with the cups in the canteen.He was playing in the class room. He was very loud that day. He was laughing, poking and creating nuisance in the class as the teacher detailed for the period had to go somewhere on official duty. The class captain finally requested Rahul to go to barrack and have his lunch as lunch break was due after 20 mins. As Rahul left , calmness prevailed in the class room.
We left for our barrack after 20 mins for the lunch. Lunch break was of 1 hr duration. After lunch break I tried to take a nap. Just then DSP Training banged into our room . He wanted to have our counting to see if everyone was inside the barrack. He was informed by one police station that someone from our training school had met with an accident. When we heard that we got scared to death. I did not remember seeing Rahul in the barrack during lunch. The training DSP was somehow persuaded by our captain to believe that everyone was present within the training school campus. The DSP Training left in a hurry as he had to check another 14 nos. of barracks. We immediately ran to see the Titanic if it was there or not. Titanic was the name of Rahul's scooter. It was a LML Vespa 150 NV.It was his fathers scooter. He used to hide it behind our barrack.
Rahul and Lalit were missing from the barrack at that moment. As informed by our cook both went to watch a movie at Apsara cinema hall. We prayed to God for their safety. As time passed by we were quite convinced that they had actually met with an accident. We heard that Rahul was being shifted from Guwahati Medical College to GNRC hospital. We heard he had received severe head injuries as he was not wearing a helmet. We had no news about Lalit. At night counting S.P Training appeared . He was very angry with us. He warned us not to leave the training campus without his permission.
The next day some of us were permitted to visit GNRC hospital. Rahul was in the ICU . Doctor said he had a 50% chance of surviving. Lalit was to be released that day. We were allowed to see Rahul one by one. Tears rolled out from my eyes . He was in a semi conscious state. His face was injured beyond recognition. Both his hands were fractured.
He stayed in the ICU for a month.It took 6 months for his recovery. He was dismissed from service.
28 July 2013
D DaY BlunderS
D Day Blunders would have pushed us from where we had started. 9 months of physical training was going to end. D Day was approaching. By D Day I am refferring to the final board examination day that would have promote some of us to the level of officers . By passing that board we would have been posted to various districts within the state.
The first level of the exam was PT board. PT is physical training which is similar to PT classes that we used to have in schools. PT consist of 6 tables. Each table consist of 6 workouts. So there are total 36 work outs in the complete PT syllabus. To memorise 36 different workouts was very difficult. The exam was divided into two parts. Ist part was viva and the second part was group PT or mass PT.
As D Day approached we were quite confident that every one will clear the board. Cadet Nitul sharma was over confident. He had reasons to be .He knew all the 36 workouts by heart. So he was the leader during our PT classes. A leader is one who stands infront of the group during the PT period. The group or the followers follows the leader. He was obviously the 1st choice of our PT instructor to lead our group in the PT board exam.
We were very excited on the exam day. There were four board members sitting in front of us. One by one we were asked to do one or two work outs. One of the members would ask us to do a single workout infront of them. I was asked to do workout no 4 of table 3. I jumped and did one. It was actually 1st workout of table 4. The board members were slowly getting angry. Cadet Apurba Das invented one new workout when he was asked to do 1st work out of table 4. One of the board members finally got fed up and said you have all failed in your individual test. Now let us see how does you all behave in a team.
Upon hearing this cadet Nitul Sharma was very nervous. Just at the nick of time Nitul forgot all the PT tables. We were asked to start the mass PT or group PT with Nitul as the leader. The 1st table was ok. But from the 2nd table everything went wrong. Nitul was doing someting and we were doing something else. Nitul was not aware what we were doing as we were behind him. Only when he bend down he saw us between his legs that we were doing different things.
Ultimately the board decided that we were not good enough to be passed. The board gave us two months time to rectify. Nitul never showed his overconfidence again.
9 July 2013
Bilirubin 8.0 mg/dl
During our training period all kinds of leave were un-officially banned. The only leave available was medical leave. To get medical leave, one had to fall sick. Bed rest was to be recommended by Dr. Sikdar ,Supdt. Of Central Police Hospital. The lab tests were to be done at Luit Diagnostic Center. Then only the training authority grants leave to the trainees.
Dr Sikdar was a man of low morals. He could easilly be bribed. Our training authority did not like Dr Sikdar at all but looking at his designation, had to accept his recommendations of bed rests to trainees . On the other hand Luit Diagnostic Center was genuine. Its reports were perfect. One could never bribe its staff for a false report. So it was very difficult to get bed rest or leave on those days.
Priyabrata was very upset . He wanted a break from the training. He said "I will do anything to go home". He was sipping beer with me at Abhijit's bar and restaurant that evening. Tomorrow I will go to Dr Sikdar. He said in a challenging tone. Even going to see Dr Sikdar was getting tough as authority was not sending everyone to him as most returned with a bed rest. We soon left the bar and hurried to our training school as night counting was at 7.30 PM. He reached late as he dropped by the wine shop to get a half bottle.
The next morning Priyabrata complained of severe stomach ache. He did not attend the morning P.T and Parade programs. He was crying in his bed . He was sent to Central Police Hospital where Dr Sikdar was there. He was recommended some blood tests by the doctor. He returned with some medicines. He informed our training bosses that the blood reports will come tomorrow. So he is going to Police Hospital tomorrow to show the reports . Along with medicines he bought one half bottle of Old Monk which he consumed alone.
The next day he returned with 15 days home rest from Dr Sikdar. He was found to be suffering from jaundice. The blood reports were from Luit Diagnostic Center. His bilirubin count was more than 8 mg/dl.
How was it possible? We were left with a puzzle to solve. He was first to be diagonised with jaundice in our barrack. And we knew that he was lying and his reports were also false.
We got the answers when he returned.
When he went to Police Hospital, he met one indoor patient who was sufferring from heavy jaundice. He persuaded the jaundice patient to go to Luit Diagnostic center and give a blood test in his place. He paid the patient 1000 bucks for the test. The patient registered his name as Priyabrata Nath. So the reports were in Priyabrata's name. In this way he succeeded in getting the home rest for 15 days. :-)